Friday, 21 November 2008

O Paula Kei Panapasa E Na Kedra Maliwa na Kaitani (Paul and Barnabbas among the Gentiles)

Serving for the 21st November, 2008
E tiko mai Lisitira, e dua na lokiloki e a sucu lokiloki mai ketei tinana ka sebera vakadua ni taubale. 09 E a rogoci Paula ni vosa o koya; ia ni raici koya o Paula qai kilakasamataka ni tiko vua na vakabauta me vakabulai, 10 a mani kaya e na domo levu o koya, “Au kaya vei iko, e na yaca ni noda Turaga (Master) o Jisu (Yahshua) na Mesaia tucake vakadodonu e yavamu!” E lade cake sara o koya qai taubale.
Cakacaka 14: 8-10

Ia era qai lako yani i keya o ira na Jiu mai Aikoniema kei Anitioki-i-Pisidia; era qai mai vakayarayarataki ira rawa na tamata me ra saqati rau, era qai virilaki Paula e na vatu, ka yarataki koya laivi i na taudaku ni korolevu baleta era nanuma ni sa mate o koya. 20 Ia, ni ra sa toso wavokiti koya na tisaipeli, a qai tucake tale o koya ka curu lesu i loma ni korolevu. E na siga tarava, rau qai biubiu vata kei Panapasa, me rau lako i Derebe. 21 Ia ni rau sa vunautaka oti na ituku­tuku vinaka e na korolevu oya, ka rau sa rawata e levu tale na tisaipeli, rau qai lesu i Lisitira, i Aikoniema kei Anitioki-i-Pisidia, 22 me rau lai vakayaloqaqataki ira na tisaipeli, ka vakauqeti ira me ra tudei tikoga e na vakabauta, e na nodrau kaya, “E na veivakatovolei ga e na qai rawa kina vei keda meda curu i na matanitu ni Kalou (Elohim).” 23 Ia ni rau sa lesi i ira na qasenilotu e na veisoqosoqo kece, ka rau masumasu ka lolo vata kei ira, rau sa qai vakatabui ira Vua na Turaga (Master), o koya era vakabauta.
Cakacaka 14:19-23

Mai keya rau qai soko i Anitioki-i­-Siria, na vanua rau a vakatabui kina e na loloma ni Kalou (Elohim), e na vukuni cakacaka rau se qai vakaotia ga mai. 27 Ni rau sa soqoni ira vata na lewenilotu, rau qai soli itukutuku me baleta na veika sa vakayagataki rau kina na Kalou (Elohim), bau kina na Nona sa dolava na katuba ni vakabauta vei ira na kai Veimatanitu tani. 28 E keya rau a tiko tale vakabalavu vata kei ira na tisaipeli.
Cakacaka 14: 26-28

Also Read If Possible (Wilika Talega Ke Rawa)
Exodus 17:1-4; Numbers 14:1-10; Romans 1:1-17;
1 Samuel 30:6; John 8:31-59; Ephessians 2:11-22; Act 7:52-60; 14:1-7.


Anonymous said...

Bible bashers like you, have been a cause for wars, divisions and calamity.

For the truth, watch this video.

Apenisa Tuikoro Naigulevu said...

My apologies. I only quoted what is in the Scriptures but it seems that you are actually fighting wars, given the choice of words you use. I would have loved to see your videos but your language frightens me, so I will choose not to see them.

Anonymous said...

Frightens you, I thought you had no fear because of your faith.

That is a cop out from someone who, so eager to preach to others.
You're a hypocrite, as described in the bible-the type that has to be in the front pews every Sunday, yet always the biggest sinner.

The choice is yours, whether to view the video and enlighten yourself or remain in ignorance.

And please stop trying to look smart with your pithy Letters to the Editor.

Apenisa Tuikoro Naigulevu said...

I am sorry, but here you go again. Please read the text of your letter to me and see how you call me a hypocrite, you call me a sinner etc as in "You're a hypocrite, as described in the bible-the type that has to be in the front pews every Sunday, yet always the biggest sinner. It really hurts you know! Your reference to "letters to the editor" shows that you probably know me; and whilst you condemned me- you want me to watch a video for you. Has it occurred to you that you could be more friendlier to show what you believe in? You hide behind anonimity, why? As I do not attend Sunday services (I am a Sabbath Keeper, though not of a 7th Day Adventist leaning) it is obvious I would not be in the "front pews on a Sunday".

My purpose in my "Scriptural Reading Blog" in case you have not noticed it, is to introduce the proper, holy and righteous name of the Creator, into the Fijian translations of the Holy Scriptures. I am also preparing a New English Translation of the Holy Scriptures which is completely allighned to the Hebrew Bibles, namely the Tanach and the B'rit Haddasha. My "pithy" (as you call it) letters to the editor, comes from my heart, as far as I know, I do not only talk the talk, I also walk the talk, and most of all as a human being I change my position if I see I have been wrong in a posture I have been taking.

If you are serious about showing me something - that is OK by me, but if you verbally punch me to introduce your view, how do you expect me to view your intentions. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

My purpose in my "Scriptural Reading Blog" in case you have not noticed it, is to introduce the proper, holy and righteous name of the Creator, into the Fijian translations of the Holy Scriptures

BS. How many translations does Fiji need.
Fiji has so many reverends and wannabe pastors, it could virtually export them.

You wanna make a difference, question everything in the bible/politics/global economy etc.

If you can, ask why there are no Fijian book publishers?
Why are TV sitcoms shown in Fiji, all imported?

As for verabl bashing, maybe you the one doing the bashing.

Apenisa Tuikoro Naigulevu said...

1. Well actually there is only one Fijian translation of the Holy Scriptures in Fiji, and it is in achaic Fijian written in the 18tth century and I intend to solve that problem with my colloquial Fijian translation which I am preparing. In fact, I am questioning the validity of the current Fijian scriptures to make sure that the new one I am working on will expose the truths that are manipulated by religious leaders here and abroad to make money. One of these is the so called Jesus myth which has permeated the world and Fiji. The Fijian Bible I perceive deceives Fijian readers of the Bible, close to 300,000 people, in this respect and to counter it and bring about a proper perspective of Yahshua – I am bracketing in the original Hebrew words in my translation of the Bible, so that people are no longer mislead and can see for themselves the truth there
2. I agree that Fiji is full of religious ministers, pastors and all these arose from the way the existing Fijian Bible is translated, to highlight church and church leaders. In fact Fiji is already exporting religious Ministers if you do not know.
3. You must be a thousand of years behind – if you just found out the problems in Fiji and the world. I am sorry but I think you can’t even distinguish between (modern) religion and the truth that is hidden in the scriptures that religions, politics and economic theories of today carelessly write off. I suspect you are just a blind follower of Zeitgeist and have not contributed anything whatsoever to the ideas and concept they present and you probably cannot do a proper critical analysis of this basically German concept. I guess too that you will not be able to apply their concept to Fiji to solve Fiji’s problems, and you will not understand how to disseminate the message to the masses, going by how you approach the issue with me.
4. I bet you cannot see that Zeitgeist’s concept of building future cities in the sea, which is currently about 70% of the world area, in fact does not take into consideration the realties of the new world – which in Revelation 21:1 says that there will be no more sea. (Read it). Religion does not assert that, but the Holy Scriptures tells it to you in no uncertain term. Therein lays the difference between religion and the words of Yahweh in the Holy Scriptures.
5. By the way, why don’t you produce a new movie using the Zeitgeist concept in its Fiji context (or write a book), or are you just good at criticizing others but you yourself have nothing to contribute to the current and new world order.

Anonymous said...

I suspect you are just a blind follower of Zeitgeist and have not contributed anything whatsoever to the ideas and concept they present and you probably cannot do a proper critical analysis of this basically German concept.

Like you know anything

Apples and Oranges Apenisa Tuikoro Naicekelevu.

Apenisa Tuikoro Naigulevu said...

Thank you for swearing at me and my grandfather – it shows that you are bankrupt of ideas and you simply do not have anything to contribute to any proper discussions of world and Fiji issues. So the best thing is for you to be honest with yourself, continue to learn more and more and do not stop. You happen to have a fairly good start by questioning things, I have been like that from way back in 1959 as a mere kid – and the first question I ever asked myself and the Methodist Church then was, “Just what is the Kingdom of God. How can it be within a human being.” This started a lifetime of search and research for answers to issues about God, Yahweh, angels, demons, life, salvation, men, women, the world, the spirit world, human relationship etc. I completed my study of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation back in 1979 on a part time basis – especially early morning. Today I have my own view of the world order, probably similar to that of the Zeitgeist, with one difference – I allow for the existence and participation of an almighty first cause with respect, which seem to be missing in this German concept. But I realise my limitation as a human being, hence I hate the idea not knowing what I do not know have but I safeguard that on a daily basis by learning about new things from books, magazines, people and the worldwide web.

Anyway, sorry I cannot waste my time trying to discuss issues with a person like you. You started it remember and now you just fizzle out, caput, no idea etc. I thought you had some exciting information to share so I tried to prompt you by quetioning your capability, so that you can discuss your views in defence; but all you can do is swear at me. So I will not bother with you anymore, you just waste precious time, you do not know how to discuss issues coherently and productively. Have a good day, Ms Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Today I have my own view of the world order, probably similar to that of the Zeitgeist, with one difference – I allow for the existence and participation of an almighty first cause with respect, which seem to be missing in this German concept. But I realise my limitation as a human being, hence I hate the idea not knowing what I do not know have but I safeguard that on a daily basis by learning about new things from books, magazines, people and the worldwide web.
To expand your mind, I have linked to some papers that will enlighten you.
Read this document on the origins of the cross symbol.

History of Protestantism

Apenisa Tuikoro Naigulevu said...

I now have to break what I promised, not to bother with you, only so that I can thank you for the papers you sent – which are interesting studies; but to be honest with you I studied all these items back some 20 years or so ago and I have a fairly good idea about these.

Whilst the entirety of religions especially Catholism, honestly and sincerely believe their authenticity, they do not realise that they are largely deceived, (that is what deceit means) just as Yahshua said in Matthew 24: 3-5, which reads, “While Yahshua sat on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came up talking among themselves, and they said to him, Tell us when these things will happen, and what is the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world? 4 Yahshua answered and said to them, be careful that no man deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name and say, I am the Messiah, and they will deceive many.” (YEVdr: is the draft of my new English translation of the holy scriptures)

But it is not our calling to point this out to the world; that is a function the Almighty Creator has allotted to himself to do at the appointed time, so we should not try to usurp that function from him. It is impossible for religion to accept the truth; but individuals like you can, given, that you have a questioning mindset. Until you differentiate or sieve out religions from the Creator and the Bible (understand this because you seem think they are one and the same); this will be a difficult issue for you or anyone to understand off the cuff; I have been observing the Yom Kippur since 1979 and I have been learning about the two goats of Leviticus 16 every year since, and only very recently did I see the connection between Leviticus 16 and Matthew 24 as quoted above; that the two goats that look exactly the same represent the Messiah and the Anti-Messiah, hence the deceit in the world, and Yahweh himself will point out the false from the true, as depicted in the casting of the lot in Lev 16:7-10 which reads “And he shall take the two goats and present them alive before Yahweh at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 8 And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats, one lot for Yahweh and the other lot for Azazael. 9 And Aaron shall bring the goat upon which Yahweh’s lot fell and offer it for a sin offering. 10 But the goat on which the lot of Azazael fell shall be presented alive before Yahweh to make an atonement with it and to send it away to Azazael into the wilderness” (YEVdr). You see Anonymous, the biggest mistake one can do is not to see the Creator that he has nothing to do with the religions of the world - the religions worship LORD God – whereas the Creator, who introduced himself to Moses is remembered by the name Ehyer Asher Ehyer or YHWH or Yahweh (יהוה). All these mistakes came out of one thing – the holy scriptures were translated unscrupulously at the beginning, they changed the name especially the holy and righteous name of Yahweh to G-d pronounced Gawd no matter how it is spelled. So the world is deceived in that sense. The honestly believe that they worship the Creator but call on G-d instead of YHWH or as Fijians call him JIOVA for Jehovah which has problems as well.

I apologise, I am talking too much, but it is good to review some of these on a Sabbath Day like today.

So have a good time.